Sep 29, 2009

Me and I

  1. My dad, my mom and I went to the mall yesterday.
  2. This video is made by me and mine friend.
  3. My dad and I ate that moon cake.
  4. My family and I went to a party last week.
  5. There was only the bus driver and me on the bus today.
  6. Adrian and I are all in Vocal Music class.

Sep 21, 2009

The Amber Spyglass

The Amber Spyglass
Philip Pullman
In the last book Lyra went missing and in The Amber Spyglass Will found her and Iorek Byrnison - the armoured bear, also the scientist Mary Malone who appeared in the second book. Something when Lyra was missing she was with Mrs Coulter, and Mrs Coulter let her drink a potion or something and made her sleep for days. At that time she had a dream, a dream of Roger who was a good friend of Lyra's back in Jordan Collage he died in book one. Any ways, she had a dream of Roger in the world of dead and Roger want to go out and see the trees and breath fresh air. So after Will found her they went to the world of dead with the knife. They found Roger and all the other ghosts and let them free. They also saw Will's dad's ghost.
In another world Mary the scientist made a telescope like thing that can see Dust, Shadow particles (what we call it) or Sraf (what the creatures called Mulefa who lives in the world Mary went in). In the end Will found his demon (not devils but a soul of a person in animal form, it is in Lyra's world).
My favorite part is where they when they Forge the Knife and Philip Pullman described very well using half of the chapter.

The 39 Clues - The Sword Thief

The 39 Clues - The Sword Thief
Peter Lerangis

They are in Venice Airport when suddenly they were held out and miss the plane, then they met Alistair Oh, a Korean guy and they teamed up. Since Alistair is rich they had their personal plane, when they reached Japan they found the next clue witch leads them to Korea, they also found Nellie who went in the plane but didn't see Dan and Amy, but instead she saw Ian and Natalie Kabra, the two siblings who is also trying to find the clues. Together they went to Korea on Alistair's plane and their they found the clue but Ian and Natalie took a wrong clue and abandoned them in the cave with the real clue in it, but in the end they got out by blowing up the cave with the gun powder they found in the cave. In the end Alistair abandoned them as well.

My favorite part is where they were chased by someone who was guarding the clue and suddenly a car turned up, it is a very expansive brand but I forgot which is it. But inside there is Nellie and the Kabras and Nellie explained: On the plane the Kabras was trying to poison her, but she found out and splash the liquid on to the Kabras' eyes, and she made an agreement the she let them get the antidote for the poison and the Kabras need to give all the money they have. I think it is smart of her since they are almost out of money and they have 3 people and a cat to feed.

The 39 Clues - One False Note

39 Clues - One False Note
Gordon Korman

This book is set in Venice, when they finally know where it is, they are shocked, they need to break in to Jonah Wizard's Hotel. Jonah Wizard is a pop star, and famous. They didn't find the clue but found a journal with 2 or 3 missing pages, at last they found the missing pages and some ninja sword witch leaded them to Japan, where the next clue is.

My favorite part is where they were in a chase in the river, they had the clue and found out that someone was chasing them, so they jump in a boat and ran away but in the end they got caught. I think they were lucky because they hid the clue some where on another boat before getting caught.

Sep 12, 2009

The Subtle Knife

The Subtle Knife
Philip Pullman

This book is about Lyra and a boy named Will who came from our world, they met at another world and Will got this knife that can cut a window to another world, this book is a sad book, Will was trying to find his dad and in the end he found him, happy isn't it, but just when Will realized he was his dad, his dad died.

My favorite part is when Mrs Coulter suddenly pop up. I always wondered when did she get to this world?

The Golden Compass

The Golden Compass
Philip Pullman

This book is about a girl named Lyra, this story's background is in a world similar to ours but different. Lyra lived in the Jordan College in Oxford, once she herd her uncle (or dad: she found out that it was her dad in the middle of the book) mentioned North and Dust (not the normal dust but Dust with capital D), and all the ice, the bears and also the Northern Lights. So she want to go to north. One day a woman named Mrs Coulter came and took Lyra to London and said that she will bring her to the North, at first Lyra loved Mrs Coulter very much but when she found out that she is one of the Gobblers-a gang of people who takes children away and no one know what they do with them. So Lyra ran away and met Tony Costa and they headed north in the end she found out that Dust is a thing that comes from another world and you can go though to another world by the northern lights, but you need an enormous power to do that. My favorite part is where they had a fight between the two armored bear Iorek Byrnison and Infur Raknison, because Philip Pullman described very well and all the moves and things.

Sep 10, 2009

Dan Cahill-The 39 Clues Book 1 By Rick Riordan

Dan Cahill, a boy whose parents died, lived with his sister Amy and Aunt Beatrice. At the will reading o f their grandma Grace, the had to make a choice, take 1 million dollars each and walk away or get one out of 39 clues and find out all about their family – the Cahill.

On page 4 it says that “Dan love colleting baseball card, autographs of famous outlaws, Civil War weapons, rare coins, and every cast he’d ever had since kindergarten (all twelve of them). At the moment, what he liked collecting best were charcoal rubbings of tombstones. He had some awesome ones back at the apartment. His favorite read:

The author Rick Riordan shows that Dan loves collecting things.

On page 5 it talked about Dan and Amy’s look: “Amy had long reddish – brown hair, unlike Dan’s, which was dark blond. This helped Dan pretend his sister was an alien imposter, but unfortunately they had the same eyes- green like jade, their grandmother used to say.” Even though it was mainly talking about Amy but it still showed how Dan had dark blond hair and green eyes.

On page 51 they were in the secret library searching for a clue, they were search for an Author named Richard S. but the author is not there and this is what happened after:

“ ‘The Fs!’ she yelled.
‘What for -failure?’ ” It shows that Dan likes to joke around even if he is not supposed to.

And finally on page 187 Dan lost his bag with his parent’s picture in it and this is what happened: “He was determined not to show it. He was embarrassed enough that he’d cried on the train platform. But he kept reaching for his backpack and it wasn’t there. He couldn’t stop thinking about his parents’ picture, whisked away and lost in the Metro tunnels.” Rick Riordan shows that he loves and misses his parent very much.

Dan is a very funny person just like Rick said on page 51. Because of him, it mad e me want to read on to the second book.

Sep 7, 2009

The 39 Clues Book 1 - The Maze of Bones

The 39 Clues

Rick Riordan


This book is about 2 kids named Dan and Amy. After their grandmother, Grace Cahill died, they had a choice: to accept the 2 million dollars or get one of 39 clues about their family and if you find all the clues, you can discover the unknown secret of their family.

Dan and Amy gave up their 2 million dollars and got their first clue, with 7 teams against each other, they started the search.

My favorite part is where they mentioned that Dan almost put fire in the whole neighborhood!

Sep 3, 2009

Jakarta Earthquake

2/9/09 13:02, an earthquake measured 7.4 magnitude hit somewhere near Java. Why did it happen? First of all Indonesia is at the Ring of Fire where a lot of earthquake happens, and because Indonesia is an island they had a tsunami warning. Speaking about warning, that day at lunch time we saw a snake laying outside on the grass area beside Q module, at that time we didn't think much about the snake, but after the earthquake we knew why the snake came out, it felt the earthquake coming and came out for safety.
When I was watching CNN on TV after the earthquake it said there was 30 something people died. I think the reason most people died in an earthquake is because of buildings falling down on them, and that's why when an earthquake happens people run to an open area.