Dec 29, 2010

A Place I Wanna Be,29307,2036729,00.html
This is a link directing you to a place not everyone will have a chance to go...

Dec 28, 2010





After I finished reading the three books written by Dan Brown, I searched up Ambigrams and found a site that makes your own, and here is some I made :)

A ambigram is a symbol or a word that reads the same normally and if you flip it upside down. Its really really cool and here is the site:   Ambigrams

First you press Create New Ambigrams on the top right of the screen then type in what you want, if you dont want to buy this word, then use Print Screen or if you are a Win7, Vista user use the cutting tool thing with the scissors and a red circle.

Dec 22, 2010

Dan Brown

I want to introduce an author that you might know, the author of "The Da Vinci Code", "The Lost Symbol' and "Angles and Demons" apart of a trilogy telling adventures of Robert Langdon. This trilogy is about symbols and culture. The good thing is this three book is not heavily connected so the reader can read the three books in any random order and it will still make sense. I personally only read 1 of the books: "Angles and Demons" and I just began reading "The Da Vinci Code" but all the 2 books start of with a killing and clues on the body or around the body, then Robert goes on this crazy treasure hunt to find the killer and sometimes save a whole lot of people. For example, the symbol showed down this post is shown in Angles and Demons, it says Illuminati, similar to Illuminate (vocab word!). It is a symbol that is the same read from right side up or the wrong side up. In the book there is also the word of the four elements earth, air, fire and water, which is all shown down at the bottom of the post. There was one more symbol in that book, the Illuminati Diamond, containing all then four elements, also read the same both up or down.

Dec 21, 2010

Stuck @ Home

The break started, but I had to be stuck in my house reading, even though I got to go out and do stuff, I still feel bored 'cause everyone went out of the country. On Thursday I will finally get a chance to invite friends over. I also just got a new phone, yeah! I feel really really happy and some what sad at the same time, weird.

Dec 14, 2010

VPA Performance

Just finished the first VPA concert, very very tired :(. FUN!

Dec 12, 2010

VPA Concert on Tuesday!

on Tuesday there will be 2 performance in the FAT (hahaha). One for the student body at 1:10. The performance for the parents and others are at 6:00 pm. The orders are Strings, Band, Movement, Art, Drama & Choir. Enjoy :)

Dec 8, 2010

New Book Recommendation

Check out the new book I wrote about in the book recommendation page :)

Hi Guys!

Sorry I haven't been post for a looong time! I was busy with all those last second tests and reaching the due date for sooooo many projects (Funny how I still got time to check out facebook and twitter :P). I have another science test tomorrow, everyone who took it already said it's super hard! But after all this tests comes the Christmas break and Chinese New Year.