Sep 10, 2009

Dan Cahill-The 39 Clues Book 1 By Rick Riordan

Dan Cahill, a boy whose parents died, lived with his sister Amy and Aunt Beatrice. At the will reading o f their grandma Grace, the had to make a choice, take 1 million dollars each and walk away or get one out of 39 clues and find out all about their family – the Cahill.

On page 4 it says that “Dan love colleting baseball card, autographs of famous outlaws, Civil War weapons, rare coins, and every cast he’d ever had since kindergarten (all twelve of them). At the moment, what he liked collecting best were charcoal rubbings of tombstones. He had some awesome ones back at the apartment. His favorite read:

The author Rick Riordan shows that Dan loves collecting things.

On page 5 it talked about Dan and Amy’s look: “Amy had long reddish – brown hair, unlike Dan’s, which was dark blond. This helped Dan pretend his sister was an alien imposter, but unfortunately they had the same eyes- green like jade, their grandmother used to say.” Even though it was mainly talking about Amy but it still showed how Dan had dark blond hair and green eyes.

On page 51 they were in the secret library searching for a clue, they were search for an Author named Richard S. but the author is not there and this is what happened after:

“ ‘The Fs!’ she yelled.
‘What for -failure?’ ” It shows that Dan likes to joke around even if he is not supposed to.

And finally on page 187 Dan lost his bag with his parent’s picture in it and this is what happened: “He was determined not to show it. He was embarrassed enough that he’d cried on the train platform. But he kept reaching for his backpack and it wasn’t there. He couldn’t stop thinking about his parents’ picture, whisked away and lost in the Metro tunnels.” Rick Riordan shows that he loves and misses his parent very much.

Dan is a very funny person just like Rick said on page 51. Because of him, it mad e me want to read on to the second book.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Heyang, this piece on characterization got better as it went along. Early on I didn't feel you linked your idea well enough to the chart of characteristics. By the time you were on the quote from page 187, you were doing very well. You liked this straight to love of parents. Nice. Keep all your work at this level.