Jan 27, 2010

Journal Entry 27/1/10

I don't really know what to write, so I'll talk about Warhammer 4000. Warhammer is a game where you have war with other races, this is game where you use action figures and fight, you need to calculate the army points and the distance for moving and shooting, this is a strategy game, and fun with a little math in it. You can play Warhammer in the Minichurs club after school, it's a great game.

Jan 26, 2010

Old Haiti - Why are they so poor?

French Debt

In the year of 1839, Haiti made a debt of 150 million franc with French for the fine they need to pay. Haiti spent more than 80 years and finally got payed in the year of 1992.


Only 30% of the children ever started school, but only 2% of the 30% went beyond 5th grade

Trading Routes

Even though Haiti has Port-au-Prince for trading goods, but it is too expansive and too risky with loosing their goods.

Lack of Water

Like every one know, water is one of the most needed material in the life of human, but in Haiti the only place that is provided with indoor water is in the rich houses near Port-au-Prince, because oif that people get sick and needs medical service which is very hard to get.

Jan 22, 2010

Vocab 10 Sentences

Catacomb - Old Egyptian body was stored underground in a catacomb.

Arson - A very bad arsonist burned his house down on purpose .

Deceive - The magician made his trick very deceived that no one know how he did that.

Manipulate - She manipulated the bad news into a not so bad news so easily.

Submissive - When my dad get mad at me I am always submissive and listen to him quietly with my head down.

Cobblestone - In the olden days after the muddy street there is the cobblestone, where people can walk with out getting mud on their shoe.

Assail - The red team is assailing the Blue team so badly that the Blue team is out of army.

Meticulously - This man is very meticulous that every one know where he will be at what time.

Inseparable - The twins are inseparable, no one has seen them not together!

Obliged - "You are obliged to tell me the secret, if you don't tell me, I'll kill you."

Jan 18, 2010

Haiti Earthquake - New Updates

A week ago, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti, in this video down there it said that a estimate of more than 200,000 people is killed, 300,000 are homeless, the people that survived are living in a tent place. It also said that most of the people are still waiting for food and aids because that the planes are delayed and not getting it to the people.

Jan 14, 2010

Haiti Earthquake - President's Problem

04:53:09 PM local time on January 12 a 7.0 magnitude earthquake stroked Haiti, a place on the Caribbean sea.

As you can see in this set of pictures, the first one, with the blow sky was where the president live. The next picture is after the earthquake, at about the same spot you can see that the building has gotten lower and the roundish ceiling broke down. At the bottom there is a reporter interviewing the president of Haiti. You can see that he is sad for his people and also trying to find a place to stay. But mostly he wants to help those people. The bad news is they are almost out of medicines.

Jan 11, 2010


At the beginning of the break we went to PIM to and watched Avatar in 3D. Avatar is a great movie that's about how us, humans attacks another planet and tries to take away a rock like thing that could get them a lot of money. This movie had a great ending. But I can't say it since some of the people haven't watched the movie yet. It a great movie. I really recommend it.

Jan 4, 2010

Google SketchUp

Today, I downloaded Google SketchUp from the internet, Google SketchUp is a program where you can design things like buildings, cars and logos. I made a house with trees and cars. I really like using Google SketchUp

Jan 3, 2010


I admit that I watched to many movies this vacation, I already watched 7 and have a chance of letting this number go up. Before the break I got a chance to go to Ratu Plaza to get some movies so I wont feel bored this break. The first movie I watched was Twilight, just after I finished the second book I watched this movie. Then I went and saw New Moon, the second movie in the Twilight Saga. After awhile Avatar came to the cinema and I saw it in 3D! After I saw Avatar I watched UP in my house, it's a pretty good movie. After UP I watched Transformers, so many action and fighting. Zombieland was the next movie I picked out, scary but with a bit of comedy also very bloody. The last movie is G-Force, about little hamsters being FBI and saving the world. This is a lot of movies.









I finally got something I wanted, SPORE. I got it today from my next door neighbor Nicky Jo. Since SPORE is a very big file, and I don't have that big USB, we didn't know what to do. In the end thanks to Nicky's dad we burned it on a DVD. After it finished I raced to my laptop and put the disk in. It worked! Thanks to Nicky's dad I finally got SPORE! I played SPORE for an hour and didn't want to stop, but my dad said I have to study so I left my computer. I think this is the best thing happened to me in this vacation till now.

Jan 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Wish You a Happy New Year