Mar 30, 2010


Plastiki, 12 thousand bottles,the Pacific, one message.This is Plastiki,a sail made mainly with plastic bottles. Why are they doing this? Well this will fall in the one message part of the first sentence. They want to let the world to know that we need to think of waste as a resource not waste. in the next video you'll see the making of the boat. I think this is really a good way to tell people.


Michael said...

You've got a very nice looking entry, Ivan, but make sure to recognize the main point of the project. It is to make us all more aware of the amount of garbage, particularly plastics, that are just thrown into the seas.

The reusing of items is not really their point, although they did that well themselves.


Anonymous said...

Great job Ivan! :) Also great idea of putting the video about plastiki. I also like the part when you said 'Plastiki, 12 thousand bottles, the Pacific , one message.'

Maria said...

Nice Work Ivan! You described the Boat really well. Great Idea to put the videos in. The first sentence is really cool. You didn't say why Plastiki was built though. The videos sayed it though. Great Work!


Anonymous said...

Nice job Ivan! I like the way that you put 2 videos. Keep up the good work.

Maya ♥ said...

Nice job Ivan!! great 2 videos :D i agree with Mr. Hughes about the main idea, but other than that awesome

- InuKag4evr

Hyun Jin said...

Good job here, Ivan. I liked how you put up videos. Videos are always cool :D. I agree with Maya and Mr. Hughes-you missed out the real reason Plastiki was built. But either than that, awesome job.

Brandon said...

Ivan nice post on plastiki, but i truly love the way your blog loks

Madhav said...

Good post Ivan. I like the videos, they were a nice touch but you should have written more.