Apr 21, 2010

Journal 21/4/10

Fitness Test #4.

This mile was one of the easy ones since there's the breeze. I think that's one of the reason I did so well. I got 9.15, with means I improved by 45 secs. But in seat and reach, I got 14/13, and last time I got 13/14 which means I didn't improve. So today, I NEED to improve on something to keep my A. Push ups or sit ups. I have PE forth block so I guess I be a little bit tired, but It's OK, my highest score is not that good, I guess.

Biome Booklet

I finally finish putting down info from notecard to paper. Now all I need is decoration, which I'll finsh today. And then I don't have to worry too much. The hard part is going to be the presentation, which I think I'm not ready yet...

Apr 18, 2010

Psych - Pilot Episode

On Friday, we watched the pilot episode of Psych. Psych, like Monk is a detective story, in this episode the main character Shawn, who has a talent for seeing a lot more than others. One day, he calls in telling the police to arrest a guy from nothing but seeing the TV. The police suspects that Shawn is apart of that crime so Shawn has to make the police think that has psychic powers.
Since Shawn needs too proof that he has psychic powers, he needs to help the police to solve a crime. There was a kidnap, the son of the McCallum's family was the victim and they need to pay 5  million dollars to get him back. When Shawn finds some pictures of the victim they found out about a cabin he shares with his friend. Shawn and his friend Gus went to the cabin. They found the dog that was also gone with the victim which means the victim is in there too.
So Shawn pretend he saw all this through "psychic vision" and told the police and the SWAT team, but when they got there, all there was are 2 dead bodies, one holding a gun. The police thinks the guy with the gun killed his mate a.k.a the victim and then felt guilty and killed himself.
Even though the police thinks that but Shawn didn't think so because he saw blood on the corner of the table in the cabin. So he went to the mansion of the McCallum's to get more evidence. Right now Shawn need to solve a new crime of killing 2 guys and the suspect is Mr.McCallum, the dad of the last victim. They found a dog bite medicine in his medicine cabinet which is a evidence and got it all linked up. First the son and his friend pretend to get kidnapped so they can get 5 million dollars but when Mr. McCallum found out he got so mad and accidentally killed his son by hitting his head on the corner of the table and that's how the blood got there. Then his son's friend walked in and since Mr.McCallum had no choice so he killed him too. To make this not his doing he but the gun in his son's friend's hand so it looks like a kill and suicide crime. But then the his son's dog bit him and that's where the dog bite medicine comes in.

CRIME: 1)Kidnap 2)Double killing
EVIDENCE: 1)Blood on the table 2)Dog Bite Medicine 3)The dog bite on Mr.McCallum's arm
VILLAIN: Mr.McCallum
VICTIM: Mr.McCallum's son and his friend
RED HEARING: The gun was placed in the son's friend's hand

Apr 11, 2010

6 Mystery Pics

Sence of Danger: This is where like in the movies a part where makes you worried
Victims: This is an outline of a victim
Villains: Here is a WANTED poster of a villain
Investigation: Here's Monk Investigating a crime scene
Evidence: Fingerprints are one of the deadliest proof a police can find
Crime: The guy in the car crushed in to the guy reading the news paper
Investigator: Monk, in Monk the show is the investigator who figures everything out

Percy Jackson & the Olympians - The Demigod Files

Percy Jackson & The Olympians - Demigod Files
Rick Riordan

This book, contains short stories about Percy, and Pictures, Maps ect.
If you like this series ,you'll like this book

Percy Jackson & the Olympians {5}

Percy Jackson & the Olympians - The Last Olympian
Rick Riordan

This is the last book in the series, Percy and the campers has to protect the Olympus from the army of the Titan Lord Krono who is in Lukes body.
In the end Krono got up but Annabeth reminded the Luke inside and Luke killed himself which also killed Krono.

Percy Jackson & the Olympians {4}

Percy Jackson & the Olympians - The Battle of the Labyrinth
Rick Riordan

This book is about Percy and Annabeth and all the others discovered a entrance of the labyrinth which will lead the Krono Army to the heart of Camp so they need to find Daedalus so Luke can't get the Ariadne's string so his plan spoils. So Percy, Annabeth and Grover went on a quest. With the help from a mortal girl named Rachel Elizabeth Dare who can see through the mist they found Daedalus but it was to late.
It the end they had a battle and won !!!

Percy Jackson & the Olympians {3}

Percy Jackson & the Olympians - Titan's Curse
Rick Riordan
Annabeth and Artmeis-the god of hunting and moon, went missing. So Thalia, Zoë Nightshade, Bianca Di Angelo, Grover and Percy went on this quest to find them while finding the monster Artmeis is seeking. Before the quest Percy was called for help by this cow like sea animal named Ophiotaurus.
In the quest Zoë, Bianca died and they found Ophiotaurus the seacow Percy saved in one of the rivers. It went to Olympise. In the end they found Annabeth and Artmeis and saw Luke falling off a cliff, but Annabeth said he is not dead.

Percy Jackson & the Olympians {2}

Percy Jackson & the Olympians - The Sea of Monsters
Rick Riordan

In the start of the book the Thalia's Tree which has been protecting camp from mortals and monsters had been poisoned. So they went on a mission to find the golden fleece in the sea of monsters 'cause the golden fleece can cure everything. They went on a mission secretly (Percy, Annabeth and Grover and Clarisse)to the sea of monsters which is Bermuda Triangles know to human.

After they got the fleece to the tree the tree grown better than ever but something was wrong. Something I forgot to tell you. In the first book there was an Oracle, where a demigod of the big three will make a choice which will save the Olympic or destroy it for ever. and since Thalia is the demigod of Zeus and because it just got alive because of the overwhelming power of the fleece, there is another chance of Olympic being destroyed.

Percy Jackson & the Olympians {1}

Percy Jackson and the Olympians - The Lightning Thief
Rick Riordan
This is the first book in the Precy Jackson series. This book is about the Greek Myth all coming true and all those things. In this book Percy Jackson finds himself the son of Persidon the Sea God. He meets Grover in School, Grover a syter who leads him and his mom to camp Half-Blood but his mom died. Camp Half-Blood is where all the half-bloods or demigods live in the summer or the whole year round. A half-blood or demigod is a kid who one of their parent is a god.
Percy Jackson went on a mission to find the lightning bolt of Zeus with Annabeth and Grover. The gods think that Persidon sent Percy to steal the bolt but he didn't so he need to find it. They went to the underworld and saw Percy's mom. And found the bolt and returned it to Mt. Olympise on the 600th floor on top of the Empire State Building.

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn
This last book of the saga has 3 parts, the first part is where Bella and Edward goes on honeymoon to a island in Brazil and Bella found herself pregnant so they raced back to Forks. In the second part which is from Jacob's point of view, the pack found out about the child and thinks it's going to threat them so they plans to kill Bella and the kid but Jacob refuse and ran away making another pack with Leah and Seth Clearwater.After all the child has to get out so Bella gave birth but the child had crack her bones so the only way to keep Bella alive is to make her become a vampire.
The 3rd part of this book Bella enjoys the life as a vampire but the Voturi found out about the child and tries to kill it. but the Cullens disagree and had a war where the Cullens gets vampires around to world to help and won.


In this book, the most important part was Edward proposed to Bella, : )
Also Bella have been going to Jacob Black's house a couple of times. In the end of the book, they had a battle with some new born vampires made by Victoria, and this is my favorite part 'cause the battle was very strategic, and very smart. But in the end the Cullen still won with the help from the werewolf. 

New Moon

New Moon
Stephenie Meyer

This is so long before I read the book so the summary might be a little bit bad. In this second book of Twilight saga, Edward and all the other Cullens left Forks because of the danger the Cullens has put Bella into. Because of this, Bella started to go to Jacob more and more often, she learned motorcycling and found out that when ever she do something dangerous she can hear Edward talking to her.In the end, because of some misunderstanding and communication of Alice Cullen seeing Bella suicide Edward went to Volterra, Italy to provoke the Volturi, vampire royalty who are capable of killing him. Alice and Bella went after Edward to Italy to save him, arriving just in time to stop Edward. Before leaving Italy, the Volturi tell Edward that Bella, a human who knows that vampires exist, must either be killed or transformed into a vampire.

Apr 3, 2010

Books, Lots of Books

I admit that I have being lazy of writing blogs about books. So I'm going to name all the books I read that I didn't tell:

Twilight Saga

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

39 Clues Book 5, 6 & 7

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Demigod Files

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Twilight Saga:

This is a four book series about a normal girl falling in love with a vampire and a big story about all this stuff

Percy Jackson and the Olympians:

I started this book because of the movie. This book is about Half-Bloods aka demigods and their life in Camp Half-Blood, doing missions, having Percy Jackson the son of the sea god as the main character this book is one of the best book after Harry Potter

39 Clues

This is a 10 book series about every famous people, Micheal Jackson, Bill Gate, being in the same family, a family of Cahills. There are 4 branches, Janus, Tomas, Lucian and Ekat with another part called Madrigals aka M. The main characters are Dan and Amy Cahill. With other 6 teams they need to find all 39 clues before anyone else does.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Demigod File

This like what the title said is some unknown files for demigods about the book Percy Jackson. Pictures, fake interviews, small stories and fun games and facts.
This is a really good book for Percy lovers to read, enjoy and learn.