Apr 11, 2010

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn
This last book of the saga has 3 parts, the first part is where Bella and Edward goes on honeymoon to a island in Brazil and Bella found herself pregnant so they raced back to Forks. In the second part which is from Jacob's point of view, the pack found out about the child and thinks it's going to threat them so they plans to kill Bella and the kid but Jacob refuse and ran away making another pack with Leah and Seth Clearwater.After all the child has to get out so Bella gave birth but the child had crack her bones so the only way to keep Bella alive is to make her become a vampire.
The 3rd part of this book Bella enjoys the life as a vampire but the Voturi found out about the child and tries to kill it. but the Cullens disagree and had a war where the Cullens gets vampires around to world to help and won.

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