Dec 20, 2009


Yesterday, my parents and I went to see Avatar. It's set on a planet called Pandora with natives called Navies, a blue man-like being with the power to connect with nature. This movie tells us that every thing alive in the world, has connection with others. It's a very good movie, great story and great animations. Directed by James Cameron. Director of Titanic, Terminator, True Lies, Terminator II and Aliens.

Dec 14, 2009

My Water Property Experiment

I did this in my house for the Science Project. I hope you like it!

Dec 2, 2009

5 Vocab "meanings"






Nov 24, 2009

GeoActive Page 229

1. List the main reasons for water scarcity.

Because some people lives in hot desserts which has very low rainfall. Other reasons are variations in climate, land degradation, population growth and water pollution

2. What is a drought? What type of hardships do you think that a drought could cause if you were living in a village in a poor country such as Ethiopia?

A drought is a period of below average precipitation.

3. How does land degradation affect the supply of fresh water?

It reduces the soil to store water.

a) What is El Nino?

Wind that happens in 4 or 5 years

b) Why does El Nino often cause drought in australia?

El Nino makes air masses making Australia getting drought.

5. Observe the map showing the global effects of El Nino in 1982 - 83
a) What effects does El Nino have on the availability of fresh water?

b) Name the countries and describe the problems that arose from decreased rainfall caused by El Nino.

Peru:Flooding. Colombia: Not getting fish. Australia: Wheat exports threatened. Papua New Guinea: Drought. Indonesia: Air Pollution causing fire. China: Drought in the north and flooding at the south. Philippines: Lower rice harvest. Africa: Reduced corn harcesting. US: More Rainfall.

Nov 17, 2009

Bintaro Field Trip Video

This is a video about Bintaro Kampung and how they clean water:

Wish you like it : )

Nov 16, 2009

Bintaro Kompung

As I took the video for the route, Mr. Hughes talked to us about the river. As we got of the bus we were welcomed by he people of Watsun. They did a little speech then we headed of to station 1 with our guild.

Station one is about FILTRATION, there is a blue bucket, one of those tall and round ones, in the bucket there is sand, gravel and stones, they use the pump to pump up water from the ground then a pipe leads the water to the filter, after the water goes down the filter it will be safe to shower and cook with but NO DRINKING!

As we finished up with some questions we moved to station three, UNINFECTION. The host cleaned the big size Aqua water bottle until germ free and then we fill it up until there is not space or air bubbles in side. Then we put it under the sun for more than 7 hours, and now it is save to drink.

After all this stations how do you test the water? This job is for station 5, we tested how clear the water is with a tube with numbers and a "X" under the tube. The smallest number the tube but is the highest number is 5 and the biggest number but the lowest on the tube is 500. The way you test it is to pour water until the water reaches 5 then you look through the tube on the top to see if you can see the cross, if not pour some out until you can see the cross. The smaller the number the better. To test the pH of the water they have a little orange machine that looks like a thermometer, the pH scale is between 1 to 14, the best is 7 if too low is acid too high its alkaline.

After the 3 stations the kids sang a song to us. A short and cute song about washing your hand.
I felt this is a super-ichy-fun-tiring trip, I loved it.


Stephenie Meyer
Vampires, love and high school, when you here this word you can't really connect them together, but this is what Stephenie Meyer did. She wrote so well that I gave this book a 15 star rate. As you found out in the beginning this book is about vampires, but it is not scary. A girl fell in love with a vampire, the vampire told her the secret, and this is what is book is all about.

My favorite part is where Stephenie was describing the Cullens. The factual expression, the look and what they were doing. she did a pretty good job on that.

Strays Like Us

Strays Like Us
Richard Peck

Being left by her mother, Molly Moberly went to live with her aunt, a old woman named Fay who work as a home nurse. She has been told that her mom will get her, so she waited, not getting friends except for one, Will. The school started, Molly's mom still haven't come to get her, and still not making friends. After she met Tracy, a home schooled girl she thought about getting friends until she went to Tracy's house, she found out that she doesn't belong in Tracy's life. After finding out the truth of her mom she stopped waiting, her mom got out of hospital already, she just doesn't know.

My favorite part is where Molly discovered that Will's dad who said to be in jail is not, Will's dad lived secretly in Will's House, but when she found out he is already dead. Richard Peck described so well that I can even see the expression on Molly's face.

The Dark Side of Nowhere

The Dark Side of Nowhere
Neal Shusterman
Is alien really real, or is it just a make believe. Well in this book, Jason finally meets his love when he found out that he is an alien from outer space that is trying to conquer the world.
My favorite part at the very end, where a guy asked: "What's your name and what are you."
Jason replied: My name is Jason and I am a human." This really shows almost all the feelings he had through out the book. at first he is just a kid who had a crash on a girl, then he found out that he is an alien which he wished he is not. And in the end where he says that he is going to be a human.

Nov 10, 2009

GEOactive - Page 226 - 227


Q: What percentage of the world's supply of water is fresh water?

A: 2.5% of world's supply is fresh water.

Q: Where is the world's supply of fresh water found?

A: 2% is in the form of ice, .49% is found underground and 0.01% is found in the atmosphere, rivers and lakes.

Q: Even though the supply of fresh water is abundant it is still a problem. Why?

A: The water is not equally shared so some place they have much more than what they need and some place they have too less.

Observe the map of world average annual precipitation (on page 226).

a) Describe the changes in rainfall that occur as you move from the southern to the northern tip of Africa.

It first start off with under 250mm then is whent to 1000mm to 1500mm, at last it went back to under 250mm of water.

b) Describe the changes in rainfall that occur as you move from the western to the eastern tip of Australia along the Tropic of Capricorn.

It started off dry then when you at almost the eastern coast it there is more rainfalls

Observe the map on page 227 of water availability per person.

a) Which parts of the world appear to have a large amount of water available per person?

The northen part and the south-east part of the world.

b) Which parts of the world appear to have a small amount of water per person?

Mostly at the Tropic of Cancer.

Observe the diagram of water use (on page 227).

a) What are the main uses of water?

The water is mainly used for farming.

b) Which uses have increased the most over the last century?

The industries increased the most over the last century.

Nov 9, 2009

The Water Treatment Plant

As the buses drive slowly across the river and complained about the rubbish in the river. There was cans, bottles and a lot other stuff. For a river it is pretty yellowish.

The buses stooped at a building about the size of our New Gym. Our class got off the bus and went with a guild. We walk up hill and arrived at stage 1 - Filtration. This is where the water flows in from the yellowish river we talked about in the front. They have metal bars, from big to small, used for collecting garbage and not useful things.

Next stop we went down stairs and came in front of a big room, this is for aeration, we couldn't go in so all we could see is pipes and people.

After some more filtration we have stage 3, coagulation : where they add alum to make floc, the thing when dirt comes together and become bigger.

Fourth stage is sedimentation, because the big pieces of floc is to heavy for the surface tension, it drops, which is sent out and into a storage room for dirt, useful for planting and things like that.

The last stage for water treatment: Disinfection, with the disinfectant killing germs it is almost safe to drink. It needs to go to filtration again but with fine and same - size sand. To make sure every thing is fine to drink the worker takes water sample and test it.
In the end we watched a video. It is all about this water treatment. After seeing sample of the river water before it comes in to the water treatment plant and after, you can see a huge difference. A yellow and a see - though, how cool is that!

Nov 3, 2009

Interviewing Amy Cahill about Dan Cahill

This is me interviewing "Amy Cahill" about her brother Dan Cahill.

Hope you like it.

Starring : Hyun Jin Cha as Amy Cahill and Heyang Zhang as Ivan.

Nov 2, 2009

My Poem : I'm Sinking, I'm Sinking

This is me reading a poem I found called I'm Sinking, I'm Sinking.
Hope you enjoy : )

Nov 1, 2009

The Water Cycle

As you can see in this picture, the water turns into water vapor and goes into the air.

After the Evoration, the water vapors gathers together and forming clouds, like the white things on this picture.



On the top of the picture there is a mountain, which makes me think that this rain is caused by orographic precipitation - the mountain forcing the air to rise and causing rainfall.

Run-off & Infiltration


In this picture, a part of the rain water soaks in the ground and becomes ground water, after that it flows to a lake. The other part of the rain water that didn't soak down the ground flows in the river.

Oct 31, 2009

The 39 Clues - Beyond The Grave

The 39 Clues - Beyond The Grave
Jude Watson
This book continued on the hunt, they are at Egypt. They got some help from their grandma Grace Cahill. In the end they still don't know where to go.
My favorite part is where they went to the grave and seeing all those pretty things, Jude Watson discribed it very well. She wrote about the stars on the ceiling, the painting on the wall, she wrote so well that I could see the pictures.

Oct 27, 2009

Are You Sure?

“Are you sure?” asked my dad.


“I am asking you.” said my dad. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I think.”

We just had lunch in Plaza Senayan and we were walking around the mall, we saw the MG store, for no reason my dad and I walked in. I saw a trumpet, one of those sliver kind. It was the first thing that came in my vision. I am a trumpet player in beginning band. Since my dad knew the school trumpet is old and rusty and my parents are too busy to go to school and pay for the rental fee, we asked for the trumpet.

“Are you sure?” asked my dad.


“I am asking you,” said my dad, “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I think.”

“Ok, it is your choice” my dad said as he took out his wallet.

“How much is this trumpet?” He asked the shopkeeper

“Rp1, 348,000 pak.” Replied the shopkeeper.

As soon as my dad handed the money, all kind of feeling came to me, glad, excited. With the huge excitement I waited for the shopkeeper to get the case out. After awhile he came out with a black box in his hand, a bit smaller than I expected, but it was ok. I carefully got the trumpet apart and putted inside. Right after I got my hand on the closed case my joyful feeling came back to me. “Its mine!”

Oct 23, 2009

The Five Ancestors - Snake

The Five Ancestors - Snake
Jeff Stone
This is the third book, it's about Seh. After he ran away he became about of his father's gang, of coures he doesn't know that time. Then he met Fu and Malao. In the end they went to one of the cities with Fu's dad Sanfu which means mountain tiger. At the city they met Hok and found out that Hok is a she and a he and they also met Hok mother and sister.

My favorite part is where Ying's army attack in the city when it was also the first day of the Dragon Festival, they saw Hok's mom fight and was suprised, in the end Malao was cought and that Seh's mom is a part of the army. I like the way that Jeff Stone left a suprise in the end and also the fight style was awesome!

The Five Ancestors - Monkey

The Five Ancestors - Monkey
Jeff Stone

The second book of the series. It started of at the attack but it went pretty fast then it went on to Malao's adventure and how he met Hok, almost at the end he also met Fu and found out the his father is the Monkey King.
I like the part where Malao controlled a million monkeys attack Ying's army and rescuing Fu, Jeff Stone wrote it very well and I can really see the picture.

The Five Ancestors - Tiger

The Five Ancestors - Tiger
Jeff Stone

This book is about five monks with different fighting style: Tiger, Monkey, Snake, Crane and Dragon. When their formal brother Ying, the master of the Eagle style Kong Fu attacked the temple only five of them escaped, Fu the Tiger, Malao the Monkey, Seh the snake, Hok the Crane and Long the Dragon. They went on to find there past and also fight Ying.
My favorite part is where the five monks hid and waited for the attack to end. Jeff Stone discrabed it very well how the brother felt and how Ying and his army used Qiang - which is gun in chinese, to destroy the temple.

So B. It : A Novel

So B. It : A Novel
Sarah Weeks
This book is about a girl named Heidi and her finding her past and the meaning of soof. She went alone to a place called Mountain Top and found her father and found out that soof is her mom's nickname.
My favorite part is where she is in the train but there is a rule that says that a kid under 16 can't travel alone, so Heidi found 3 "moms" so people won't suspect her travel alone, it is smart of her to think of that idea, I also think that she is super lucky that the 3 "moms" would help.

The Last Safe Place on Earth

The Last Safe Place on Earth
Richard Peck
This book is about a boy and his story in his street and school. First there is the dream girl he finally met, a lot of bad things happened to her. Her mom in hospital, people doesn't like her because people say that she scares little kids like the main character's little sister.

My favorite part is at the camp fire dance, the boy's best friend danced with the prettiest girl in class named Chance, and when the boy's best friend got to Chance, he started saying:"the 'Chance' of a lifetime."

Oct 13, 2009

Vocab Meanings

Seizure - Uncontrollable muscle, you can't expand the muscle.
Swarming - 1)A large number of beings moving in an messy way, not in a pattern. 2)A large number of bees.
Dignity - A person that has things in control, someone we can trust.
Knead - Squeezing and pushing clay like object.
Illuminating - 1)To light up. 2) You got an idea or understands something.
Virility - An attractive, sexy male.
Jittering - A small movement that's not in a pattern.
Hispanic - 1) Native Spain or Spanish speaker. 2)People who live in America who comes from South America.
Trepidation - A feeling that something bad is going to happen.
Venture - A journey, a start of something.

Oct 1, 2009

Vocab. Sentences

  1. The old ventriloquist has a lot of experience.
  2. Stop being malicious, nobody will like you.
  3. Will you stop the bellowing please, is very annoying.
  4. Everyone of us is mortal, me, you, he and she.
  5. The homework this week is overwhelming for me.
  6. It was just a blunder not a mortal mistake
  7. He has been sitting there idly for awhile
  8. This problem is very perplexed, I don't get it.
  9. The earthquake in China last year was very rampant, so many people died.
  10. "The space is vast, and look at the stars" said the astronaut.

Sep 29, 2009

Me and I

  1. My dad, my mom and I went to the mall yesterday.
  2. This video is made by me and mine friend.
  3. My dad and I ate that moon cake.
  4. My family and I went to a party last week.
  5. There was only the bus driver and me on the bus today.
  6. Adrian and I are all in Vocal Music class.

Sep 21, 2009

The Amber Spyglass

The Amber Spyglass
Philip Pullman
In the last book Lyra went missing and in The Amber Spyglass Will found her and Iorek Byrnison - the armoured bear, also the scientist Mary Malone who appeared in the second book. Something when Lyra was missing she was with Mrs Coulter, and Mrs Coulter let her drink a potion or something and made her sleep for days. At that time she had a dream, a dream of Roger who was a good friend of Lyra's back in Jordan Collage he died in book one. Any ways, she had a dream of Roger in the world of dead and Roger want to go out and see the trees and breath fresh air. So after Will found her they went to the world of dead with the knife. They found Roger and all the other ghosts and let them free. They also saw Will's dad's ghost.
In another world Mary the scientist made a telescope like thing that can see Dust, Shadow particles (what we call it) or Sraf (what the creatures called Mulefa who lives in the world Mary went in). In the end Will found his demon (not devils but a soul of a person in animal form, it is in Lyra's world).
My favorite part is where they when they Forge the Knife and Philip Pullman described very well using half of the chapter.

The 39 Clues - The Sword Thief

The 39 Clues - The Sword Thief
Peter Lerangis

They are in Venice Airport when suddenly they were held out and miss the plane, then they met Alistair Oh, a Korean guy and they teamed up. Since Alistair is rich they had their personal plane, when they reached Japan they found the next clue witch leads them to Korea, they also found Nellie who went in the plane but didn't see Dan and Amy, but instead she saw Ian and Natalie Kabra, the two siblings who is also trying to find the clues. Together they went to Korea on Alistair's plane and their they found the clue but Ian and Natalie took a wrong clue and abandoned them in the cave with the real clue in it, but in the end they got out by blowing up the cave with the gun powder they found in the cave. In the end Alistair abandoned them as well.

My favorite part is where they were chased by someone who was guarding the clue and suddenly a car turned up, it is a very expansive brand but I forgot which is it. But inside there is Nellie and the Kabras and Nellie explained: On the plane the Kabras was trying to poison her, but she found out and splash the liquid on to the Kabras' eyes, and she made an agreement the she let them get the antidote for the poison and the Kabras need to give all the money they have. I think it is smart of her since they are almost out of money and they have 3 people and a cat to feed.

The 39 Clues - One False Note

39 Clues - One False Note
Gordon Korman

This book is set in Venice, when they finally know where it is, they are shocked, they need to break in to Jonah Wizard's Hotel. Jonah Wizard is a pop star, and famous. They didn't find the clue but found a journal with 2 or 3 missing pages, at last they found the missing pages and some ninja sword witch leaded them to Japan, where the next clue is.

My favorite part is where they were in a chase in the river, they had the clue and found out that someone was chasing them, so they jump in a boat and ran away but in the end they got caught. I think they were lucky because they hid the clue some where on another boat before getting caught.

Sep 12, 2009

The Subtle Knife

The Subtle Knife
Philip Pullman

This book is about Lyra and a boy named Will who came from our world, they met at another world and Will got this knife that can cut a window to another world, this book is a sad book, Will was trying to find his dad and in the end he found him, happy isn't it, but just when Will realized he was his dad, his dad died.

My favorite part is when Mrs Coulter suddenly pop up. I always wondered when did she get to this world?

The Golden Compass

The Golden Compass
Philip Pullman

This book is about a girl named Lyra, this story's background is in a world similar to ours but different. Lyra lived in the Jordan College in Oxford, once she herd her uncle (or dad: she found out that it was her dad in the middle of the book) mentioned North and Dust (not the normal dust but Dust with capital D), and all the ice, the bears and also the Northern Lights. So she want to go to north. One day a woman named Mrs Coulter came and took Lyra to London and said that she will bring her to the North, at first Lyra loved Mrs Coulter very much but when she found out that she is one of the Gobblers-a gang of people who takes children away and no one know what they do with them. So Lyra ran away and met Tony Costa and they headed north in the end she found out that Dust is a thing that comes from another world and you can go though to another world by the northern lights, but you need an enormous power to do that. My favorite part is where they had a fight between the two armored bear Iorek Byrnison and Infur Raknison, because Philip Pullman described very well and all the moves and things.

Sep 10, 2009

Dan Cahill-The 39 Clues Book 1 By Rick Riordan

Dan Cahill, a boy whose parents died, lived with his sister Amy and Aunt Beatrice. At the will reading o f their grandma Grace, the had to make a choice, take 1 million dollars each and walk away or get one out of 39 clues and find out all about their family – the Cahill.

On page 4 it says that “Dan love colleting baseball card, autographs of famous outlaws, Civil War weapons, rare coins, and every cast he’d ever had since kindergarten (all twelve of them). At the moment, what he liked collecting best were charcoal rubbings of tombstones. He had some awesome ones back at the apartment. His favorite read:

The author Rick Riordan shows that Dan loves collecting things.

On page 5 it talked about Dan and Amy’s look: “Amy had long reddish – brown hair, unlike Dan’s, which was dark blond. This helped Dan pretend his sister was an alien imposter, but unfortunately they had the same eyes- green like jade, their grandmother used to say.” Even though it was mainly talking about Amy but it still showed how Dan had dark blond hair and green eyes.

On page 51 they were in the secret library searching for a clue, they were search for an Author named Richard S. but the author is not there and this is what happened after:

“ ‘The Fs!’ she yelled.
‘What for -failure?’ ” It shows that Dan likes to joke around even if he is not supposed to.

And finally on page 187 Dan lost his bag with his parent’s picture in it and this is what happened: “He was determined not to show it. He was embarrassed enough that he’d cried on the train platform. But he kept reaching for his backpack and it wasn’t there. He couldn’t stop thinking about his parents’ picture, whisked away and lost in the Metro tunnels.” Rick Riordan shows that he loves and misses his parent very much.

Dan is a very funny person just like Rick said on page 51. Because of him, it mad e me want to read on to the second book.

Sep 7, 2009

The 39 Clues Book 1 - The Maze of Bones

The 39 Clues

Rick Riordan


This book is about 2 kids named Dan and Amy. After their grandmother, Grace Cahill died, they had a choice: to accept the 2 million dollars or get one of 39 clues about their family and if you find all the clues, you can discover the unknown secret of their family.

Dan and Amy gave up their 2 million dollars and got their first clue, with 7 teams against each other, they started the search.

My favorite part is where they mentioned that Dan almost put fire in the whole neighborhood!

Sep 3, 2009

Jakarta Earthquake

2/9/09 13:02, an earthquake measured 7.4 magnitude hit somewhere near Java. Why did it happen? First of all Indonesia is at the Ring of Fire where a lot of earthquake happens, and because Indonesia is an island they had a tsunami warning. Speaking about warning, that day at lunch time we saw a snake laying outside on the grass area beside Q module, at that time we didn't think much about the snake, but after the earthquake we knew why the snake came out, it felt the earthquake coming and came out for safety.
When I was watching CNN on TV after the earthquake it said there was 30 something people died. I think the reason most people died in an earthquake is because of buildings falling down on them, and that's why when an earthquake happens people run to an open area.

Aug 25, 2009

Tony DiTerlizzi & Holly Black

Tony DiTerlizzi

Tony DiTerlizzi was born on September 6th, 1969. When he was young he loves collecting insects, snorkeling and camping, he also loved to draw and read. After college Tony began a freelance illustration career, he worked for TSR’s Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, he also worked on games like Planescape, Chageling and Magic the Gathering.

He spends seven years working as a fantasy artist after that he started creating children’s picture books. He published a book called Jimmy Zangwow’s OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD Moon Pie Adventure in 2000, on the second year he wrote TED and with that book he won the Zena Sutherland Award in 2002. He also won the 2003 Caldecott Honor Medal and the New York Times bestselling author/illustrator.

Now he lives in Amherst, Massachusetts

Holly Black

Holly Black was born in November 1971 in a decrepit Victorian house in New Jersey. When she was young she has a habit of reading books until 3 a.m., because her parent buys her ghost and fairy stories she is afraid of darkness. After graduating she got a job in an independent gaming magazine: d8 in New York. That is where she meets Tony DiTerlizzi and also when she started a fantasy novel: A Modern Fairy Tale.

Today she lives in West long Branch, New Jersey with Theo, her husband, married in 1999 and she now collects rare folklore volumes, spooky dolls and outrageous hats.


Informations from:

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Aug 22, 2009

Uncle John's Bathroom Reader for Kids Only

Uncle John's Bathroom Reader for Kids Only
Bathroom Readers' Institute

This book is about some wacky but true stuff, like how Spongebob Squarepants was born, bloopers of movies and fun quiz.

I really like this book because if funny, and fun to read. I like the part where it said that a man got striked by lightning seven times but haven't die, it is very cool. I also like the idea to put small facts on the bottom of the page like: 488 Rhode Island could fit inside the state of Alaska. I really like this book, like it said on the cover it is serious FUN!

Aug 19, 2009

Typhoon Morakot - The Worst in 50 Years

Typhoon Morakot landed on Taiwan on August 8th, it is said that it is the worst disaster happened in 50 years, the rain lasted for 3 days killed about 500 people, in my opinion this disaster is about environment and people. Taiwan wouldn't flood if Taiwan if flat, but since it is full of mountains, the water fills the mountain rivers up and the rivers can't hold it so it all rush down, with all it's power it flood the cities and towns killing hundreds of people and breaking so many buildings. In this picture, reporters say the water wash away the soil and the building can't stand it any more and BOOM it crushes down the river.