Nov 10, 2009

GEOactive - Page 226 - 227


Q: What percentage of the world's supply of water is fresh water?

A: 2.5% of world's supply is fresh water.

Q: Where is the world's supply of fresh water found?

A: 2% is in the form of ice, .49% is found underground and 0.01% is found in the atmosphere, rivers and lakes.

Q: Even though the supply of fresh water is abundant it is still a problem. Why?

A: The water is not equally shared so some place they have much more than what they need and some place they have too less.

Observe the map of world average annual precipitation (on page 226).

a) Describe the changes in rainfall that occur as you move from the southern to the northern tip of Africa.

It first start off with under 250mm then is whent to 1000mm to 1500mm, at last it went back to under 250mm of water.

b) Describe the changes in rainfall that occur as you move from the western to the eastern tip of Australia along the Tropic of Capricorn.

It started off dry then when you at almost the eastern coast it there is more rainfalls

Observe the map on page 227 of water availability per person.

a) Which parts of the world appear to have a large amount of water available per person?

The northen part and the south-east part of the world.

b) Which parts of the world appear to have a small amount of water per person?

Mostly at the Tropic of Cancer.

Observe the diagram of water use (on page 227).

a) What are the main uses of water?

The water is mainly used for farming.

b) Which uses have increased the most over the last century?

The industries increased the most over the last century.

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