May 25, 2010

25-5-10 Journal Entry

I don't get it, when ever there's a journal entry, I don't know what to write, maybe because of nothing much happens to me, or maybe I don't remember stuff. I don't really like the journal time but I do like the blog idea, because of this, I learned how to blog. I have a test on Thursday, two tests actually, French reading and a science, I have a feeling I'm going to fail on the science test.

Today I finished my puberty brochure, I think I did a pretty good job. Good news is we are going to dissect frog leg today, YAY! And one more good news 8 more days of school left, more YAY! Plus the one holiday and the two weekends, 11 more days till SUMMER VACATION! From today and on, I'm going to do a countdown on my blog, each day you will see a BIG number saying the days left till summer, not school days, but days. In -The GIVER- by Lois Lowry, we found out his assignment that his assigned to, no not assigned, selected. He have been chosen as the receiver of memory, a very Honorable job, there's only one in the community and his very old. On the folder he got, he found a piece of paper, filled with 7 rules, and the last one was the unbelievable one - You may lie...

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