Nov 16, 2009

Bintaro Kompung

As I took the video for the route, Mr. Hughes talked to us about the river. As we got of the bus we were welcomed by he people of Watsun. They did a little speech then we headed of to station 1 with our guild.

Station one is about FILTRATION, there is a blue bucket, one of those tall and round ones, in the bucket there is sand, gravel and stones, they use the pump to pump up water from the ground then a pipe leads the water to the filter, after the water goes down the filter it will be safe to shower and cook with but NO DRINKING!

As we finished up with some questions we moved to station three, UNINFECTION. The host cleaned the big size Aqua water bottle until germ free and then we fill it up until there is not space or air bubbles in side. Then we put it under the sun for more than 7 hours, and now it is save to drink.

After all this stations how do you test the water? This job is for station 5, we tested how clear the water is with a tube with numbers and a "X" under the tube. The smallest number the tube but is the highest number is 5 and the biggest number but the lowest on the tube is 500. The way you test it is to pour water until the water reaches 5 then you look through the tube on the top to see if you can see the cross, if not pour some out until you can see the cross. The smaller the number the better. To test the pH of the water they have a little orange machine that looks like a thermometer, the pH scale is between 1 to 14, the best is 7 if too low is acid too high its alkaline.

After the 3 stations the kids sang a song to us. A short and cute song about washing your hand.
I felt this is a super-ichy-fun-tiring trip, I loved it.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Nice work on this, Heyang. I'm anxious to see how the video turns out. I'll bet it will show the learning you described in this post. Keep up the fine work here.