Nov 9, 2009

The Water Treatment Plant

As the buses drive slowly across the river and complained about the rubbish in the river. There was cans, bottles and a lot other stuff. For a river it is pretty yellowish.

The buses stooped at a building about the size of our New Gym. Our class got off the bus and went with a guild. We walk up hill and arrived at stage 1 - Filtration. This is where the water flows in from the yellowish river we talked about in the front. They have metal bars, from big to small, used for collecting garbage and not useful things.

Next stop we went down stairs and came in front of a big room, this is for aeration, we couldn't go in so all we could see is pipes and people.

After some more filtration we have stage 3, coagulation : where they add alum to make floc, the thing when dirt comes together and become bigger.

Fourth stage is sedimentation, because the big pieces of floc is to heavy for the surface tension, it drops, which is sent out and into a storage room for dirt, useful for planting and things like that.

The last stage for water treatment: Disinfection, with the disinfectant killing germs it is almost safe to drink. It needs to go to filtration again but with fine and same - size sand. To make sure every thing is fine to drink the worker takes water sample and test it.
In the end we watched a video. It is all about this water treatment. After seeing sample of the river water before it comes in to the water treatment plant and after, you can see a huge difference. A yellow and a see - though, how cool is that!

1 comment:

Michael said...

Nice job with your graphic and the explanations of what happens at each stage, Ivan. Yes, and the water coming in dirty, and leaving, drinkable, very, very cool. Keep up the nice work with your blog, Ivan.